
This section is used for identifying problems when installing and executing the DITA Open Toolkit.

1. Out of Memory Error

In some cases, you might receive a message stating the build has failed due to an "Out of Memory" error. In many cases this can be solved by switching from Xalan to Saxon as the default processor. Recent versions of the "Full Easy Install" toolkit distribution ship with Saxon instead of Xalan.

If that does not work, please follow the steps below to fix this problem:

  1. For Windows, type set ANT_OPTS=%ANT_OPTS% -Xmx256M in the command prompt before running a build. Alternatively, you can add the value -Xmx256M to the ANT_OPTS environment variable.

    For Linux, type export ANT_OPTS=${ANT_OPTS} -Xmx256M in the command prompt before running a build.

  2. Run the transformation again.

2. Can't store Document

In some cases, when you run the JavaHelp transformation, you might receive the exception above. This problem is caused by some HTML files unrelated with the current JavaHelp transformation were found under the output directory. Please follow the steps below to fix this problem:

  1. Change into the output directory.
  2. Clean the output directory.
  3. Run the JavaHelp transformation again.

3. Failed to load message file

In some situations, the toolkit may fails to load the message file "messages.xml" and begin to throw exceptions.

To fix this problem, you need to check if the files 'resource/messages.xml' and 'resource/messages.dtd' exist in the toolkit. If not, please copy them from the toolkit's root directory.

4. Spaces in file names

Spaces in file names will cause trouble during the processing because Ant use space as the delimiter when processing batch files in a list. Please prevent using spaces in the name of dita files.

5. Stack Overflow

Sometimes, you will receive an error during the transformation which says the stack memory overflows. Please follow the steps below to fix the problem:

  1. For Windows, type set ANT_OPTS=%ANT_OPTS% -Xms512M in the command prompt, you can also choose to add a new opition -Xms512M to the ANT_OPTS environment variable.

    For Linux, type export ANT_OPTS=${ANT_OPTS} -Xms512M in the command prompt.

  2. Run the transformation again.