Verifying the installation on Windows

  1. From the toolbar, click Start > Run.
  2. In the Open field, type cmd.
  3. Change the command prompt according to the following table.
    If this prompt displays, type the following command
    C:\My Documents\...
    cd \
  4. At the prompt, type cd ditaot The command prompt changes to C:\ditaot
  5. Type ant -f build_demo.xml all and press Enter to process the DITA files in the demo, doc, docbook, and samples directories. This procedure also verifies the Toolkit installation. The testing process completes in 3-10 minutes depending on the speed of your machine. When testing completes, the confirmation message BUILD SUCCESSFUL displays.
Be sure the directories and files in your ditaot are as described in Directories and files in the ditaot root directory.